Saturday, July 5, 2014

1. What is Mind???

My Mind it is just a cluster of thoughts which remained even before the fingers that are typing on the keyboard to write this statement was formed in the womb. Mind that is now had been eons back and can remain for years to come even after this body in which it is dwelling cannot support it. My name is temporally identified to that mind since as soon as the mind leaves this body, that which remains is referred to as “Corpse” it is no longer Sreeram Manoj Kumar. So the identity of my name is only when the cluster of thought has a body to reside.   

This cluster of thoughts if not exhausted experiencing those desires that were dormant or if it has addition of more desire to experience will need another body to experience them and will take up appropriate body as it had when it entered this body. So the cluster of thought that is called mind will not be able to experience the fulfillment of desires that is in it without a body. Hence invariably the cluster of thoughts needs a body which is this body of Sreeram Manoj Kumar through which it is experiencing all.        

My life is just the outer manifestation of my inner thoughts. I can become what I think. The use or abuse of my thought force guides my destiny. Nothing is more efficient than the thought force to mould my life. In reality it is this cluster of thoughts that bind and continue the journey or liberate and get dissolved.   

Mind is a subtle entity which cannot be perceived by any of my sense organs. Mind is cluster of thoughts as well as the medium for the thoughts to project in the same way as space is the medium for the sound waves.

Mind is the seat of all emotions and feelings which are always wavering. It has the capability to expand and spread infinitely. It can also transcend time and space. Mind can survive even after my death as a subtle body it can take any body and exist as long as it is. In fact, death of the physical body is marked by the exit of the subtle body and the birth of the physical body is marked by the entry of the subtle body.

It is this mind which is the cause of the cycle of re-birth only annihilating this mind will sever the chain. 

In this blog post i will make an attempt to post what my mind has tried to understand bout itself and would wish to know about it from other minds which read it.......:):):):):)

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